Danish Gerontological Society

The scientific society now known as Danish Gerontological Society (DGS) was founded in 1946 under the name The Danish Society of Ageing Research. For many years the society was led by medical doctors. In 1961 it was renamed to the current name, but still being rather mono-disciplinary. From 1975, under the presidency of professor in anatomy (MD) Andrus Viidik, a new era began. From then onwards there was an emerging focus on multi- and interdisciplinary work and on research communication to the public society.

In 1985, DGS presented the first issue of the journal Gerontologi og Samfund (Gerontology and Society). The journal is still being produced, now as Viden om Aldring, and mirrors the society’s continuous focus on research communication. 

At present, DGS is managed by an elected board representing a broad spectrum of disciplines and approaches to age and ageing. The board is supported by a paid secretary. DGS has 350 members, including approximately a hundred collective members including different types of institutions, e.g. libraries, nursing homes, and education departments. All activities are funded by the membership fee and the annual conference, as the society no longer gets any governmental support which was formerly received to the production of the journal.

Following the principles from Viidik and colleagues, the overall purpose of the society is still distribution of gerontological knowledge and research. The aim is to support research, education and information from all sub-domains of gerontology. The activities are the afore mentioned journal Viden om Aldring, an annual conference, the Kirsten Avlund Award, occasional after-work meetings and supporting other networks such as VEGA, a network focusing on everyday life in old age. The society also supports and funds other member-activities addressing the aim of the society.

The annual Conference on Aging and Society has followed the former annual meeting. In 2018 the fifth annual two-day conference is organised focusing on transitions in old age. The conference program also includes papers and guests from other Nordic countries. Please find the program on the society’s homepage danskgerontologi.dk. At the conference the Kirsten Avlund Award is donated. The award was made possible by a five-year donation from the family of Kirsten Avlund and from DaneAge. Kirsten Avlund was the first Danish professor in gerontology who died in 2013 on top of her career. The award is donated to a promising upcoming scholar within the geriatric and gerontological field, so far representing etnology, nursing/critical gerontology, physiotherapy, and statistics.

Together with our colleagues in the Danish Geriatric Society we organised the 26NKG  which was held in Odense in June 2022. 

Board of DGS 2024

Jette Thuesen, University of Southern Denmark (chair)

Anette Tybjerg-Jeppesen  (deputy chair)

Charlotte Juul Nielsen, CESA, University of Copenhagen (secretary)

Christine Swane, EGV Foundation (treasurer)

Paolo Caserotti, University of Southern Denmark (board member)

Louise Scheel Thomasen (board member)

Christina Bødker (board member)

Mette Andresen (board member)

Anna Amilon (board member)

Tenna Christoffersen (board member)

Charan Nelander  (substitute)

Sussi Friis Buhl (substitute)

Pia Øllgaard Olsen (substitute)