IAGG-ER Congress postponed to 2025

The IAGG-ER Ex-Comm would like to announce the next IAGG-ER conference previously expected to be held in Malaga in June 2024 is postponed to the first half of 2025. New date and location will be communicated soon.
We invite you to visit our IAGG-ER website https://www.iagg-er.eu/  for more information on IAGG-ER, the conference and our current activities.
Katarzyna Szczerbińska
IAGG-ER Secretary
on behalf of the President and the Executive Committee of IAGG-ER
Instead we encourage members to join the 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, in Stockholm 12-14 June 2024.
Registration and call for abstracts are open! 
Deadline symposia: 29 November 2023 | Deadline oral presentations and posters: 25 January 2024. The Nordic Congress of Gerontology (NKG) was originally a Nordic congress but has since developed into a significant ageing conference that draws attendees worldwide while maintaining its relaxed Nordic vibe. The 27th edition will be held at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden under the theme “Ageing in a transforming world”. Please visit the homepage for more information: www.nkg2024.se.#27nkg
Carin Lennartsson, president of 27NKG and Jette Thuesen, president of NGF 2022 – 2024.